Why We Fail to Learn in Development
monitor what works, and explain away what didn’t, but never think about truly
monitoring and evaluating our failures to properly learn from them. Imagine the
money saved on projects that do nothing if we focused equally on learning
about what doesn’t work as we do on what does.
don’t we want to learn about our failures? Our preference is to sweep them
under the rug. We feel failure gives development a bad name and jeopardizes
future money from the donors who funded the projects that didn’t go well or
failed outright. Ironically, rather than worry about one failed project giving
development a bad name, we should be wary of the fact that not learning from
the mistakes that were made is what will give development a bad name because we
risk repeating those mistakes again and again.
seems to me that when it comes to learning in development we have a very narrow
view of what that means - specifically, good practices emanating from
successful projects to be shared widely with other partners and potential
beneficiaries. This type of ‘learning’ makes us look good. And ‘good’ is what
we want.
who wants to talk about the mistakes that were made? No one, obviously. In the
private sector and government, scandals erupt periodically about mistakes or
errors costing millions that have been swept under the rug. ‘Heads will roll,’
and all that. Certainly, development organizations and practitioners fear the
same. But should they? When actual theft has taken place, or there has been a
complete disregard for the fundamental principles of development and human
rights, then yes, they should.
on balance, development organizations and practitioners should not fear
failure. Why? Because unlike government or the private sector, development is
just a little bit different. Development aims to find solutions to complex
problems and so risks need to be taken and untried approaches applied. A bit
like a research lab, or the test kitchens of the world’s most famous chefs,
there is no foregone conclusion when a development project is implemented.
Failure does not necessarily mean mismanagement or corruption. Sometimes it
does, yes, and there are consequences for that. But that’s a risk for any
enterprise that is almost singularly human resource based.
key to differentiating between a development failure due to mismanagement and
due to approach is monitoring. You know, the actual
going-out-there-and-talking-to-people part of the project management cycle.
Regular monitoring using good indicators and appropriate data collection tools
will give you a fair picture of where your project is heading…. and why. The
‘why’ is the most important part. If you’re reporting to your donor and say
‘This is happening, we weren’t anticipating it, but we’re going to investigate
a bit further and try options a, b, and c to see if that makes a difference,’ I
can almost guarantee that the donor will say ‘Ok, thank you for being so
candid. Please keep us updated regularly.’ (Unless of course the desk officer
is a true low life. But that’s also part of the business). Donors want to learn
too. They invest time and money into understanding what works and where; what
they learn from your project can benefit them elsewhere.
if you try to use your monitoring data to paint a slightly different picture,
that of a project on track and speeding towards the finish line, well, your
donor, not to say your organization’s management, will be none too pleased.
Trust me, I’ve been there. Reading reports from a project that read
wonderfully, which I put on the back burner because other projects needed some
trouble shooting and outright intervention, ‘At least there’s one project I
don’t have to worry about,’ I thought. Right. The shock - the sheer horror - of
receiving an independent evaluation of the project by the donor that needed to
be colour-coded for senior management ‘yellow - not good, green - terrible,
blue - best if you just skip over this part.’ It took more than one year to
resolve the mess the project management team had made because they didn’t know
how, or didn’t want to, read the changing political situation on the ground in
a post-conflict region. It still stands out as one of the most stressful years
of my career. I’ll be honest and tell you tears were involved. The donor was not
happy - particularly when we figured out that the project team, in an effort to
cover up the imminent disaster they had created, had lied to senior management,
to the government AND the donor. New and extremely arduous quality assurance
mechanisms were implemented, and donors invited along on quality assurance
missions. The project team was let go…
like to think back and imagine what could have been if the project team had
said, even off the record, ‘Hey, we’re having a problem with this. The approach
isn’t working since the provincial elections.’ I envision discussions with the
donor about the fluidity of post-conflict contexts and the implications for
projects working on reconciliation. I imagine a scenario where the donor agrees
that a re-evaluation of the context and restructuring of the project is
necessary. And I know the donor would have been appreciative of candidness over
a cover-up. Imagine what could have been learned and shared with other such
projects regionally and globally. Imagine what the project could have achieved
rather than turning into a big waste of money, time and unnecessary stress for
a whole lot of people.
is not a science, so failure is possible and
probable. And to be honest, we learn a lot more from failure than we do from
success. If the project I described had not encountered any problems, we would
have done nothing more than pat ourselves on the back and probably produced
some sort of ‘best practices’ report based on our own egos rather than any true
understanding of the factors that were at play. It was a missed opportunity to
learn about what can happen when government changes early in a reconciliation
process…. Something that would have been far more valuable, indeed.
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